The Brat Patrol | A Long Time Ago, In a Neighborhood Far, Far Away…


Duane Leinninger II was born on July 18, 1975 in St. John Hospital… just a few hundred yards from the neighborhood in Detroit this site details. He believes that the most important things he learned in life were obtained from his time with close friends on Hillcrest. Duane now resides in the western suburbs of Detroit with his wife, Gina, and two cats (Cowboy and Sebastian). They are active participants in amateur road racing events and occasionally like to write and perform music.

This site was designed as an experiment. We hoped that the old “gang” would find it and get in touch with us. I hope that some day every original member of the “brat patrol” (as we called ourselves) would contribute to the content on this site. If you were part of the Hillcrest Gang, please contact me to add content to this site!